© 2023, Matthieu Bourel
All rights reserved.

-Harper's Magazine, about the philospher Frederic Jameson -September Issue
-Politico Brussel, about Marine Le Pen and Georgia Meloni. Online and print
-Illustration for National Geographic Magazine about Prosopagnosia , Out in September.
-New collages

- Illustration for Politico US. “We Create More Chaos Than We Solve”: How Veterans of the War on Terror Are Driving the U.S. GOP’s Foreign Policy Revolution " . TBP
- Illustration for Rolling Stone Magazine, May in print. see it here
- Illustration and Animation for Republik.ch. See it here
- Images nation Show in Paris. Link here

March/April 2024
- Cover illustration for Wall Street Journal, Weekend Review, see it here
- Cover & Illustration inside for Foreign Policy about India politics. See it here
- Illustration for Stern Magazine, about Memory. Published here
- Book cover for "Il vero nome di Rosamund Fischer" by Simona Dolce / Mondadori Italy

Off, but few exceptions
- Book covers in the pipeline.
- New portrait serie: Mouvement

January 2024
Happy New Year! Cant be worst than last one for me. Have a good one ^^
- Spread Cover and couple of illo inside for UCSF about aging. Winter Issue 2024
- Illustration for TIME magazine, Where Zelensky Comes From. link here
- 2 Collage illustration for Repubblica, Italy.
- Book cover for L'Italiano di Ann Radcliff. Mondadori Italy

November / December 2023
- Cover illustration for NYT. The city of Praxis. link here
- Geopolotics. 3 illustrations for Foreign Policy Magazine
- Illustration for Harpers Magazine. Jan 2024 ISSUE
- Book cover for mondadori, Italy. TBPublished

October 2023
- Opening Illustration for NewStatesman, about conflict in Middle East. The cloud of Unreason
- Illustration about AI and creativity for CT Magazine.
- Illustration for the Wire US, october issue
- Book covers to be released next month

September 2023
- New Book cover for Penguin, Uk, John Gray, The New Leviathan. Link here
- Opening Illustration for NewStatesman, about AI
- Cover and Inside Illustration inside for CT Magazine, about AI, October issue
- Music Cover album for Mistress Bomb H
July /August 2023
- Illustrations for Barron's magazine. Harassment in US restaurant's industry . Link here
- Illustration and gif animation for Republik.ch. link here
- Illustration and collage for Reppublica, Italy. 6/08
- Cover and Inside illustration for Newstatesman, Brethren Sect. 20/08

June 2023
- Illustration for The New York Times, about panpsychism. To be published
- Cover and Inside illustration for Newstatesman, "AI Wars"
- New collages in the pipeline
- Berlin Show with the Curve

Mai 2023
- Book cover for Penguin UK. The new Leviathans, by John Gray. Out soon
- Serie of illustrations for The Intercept, Kissinger’s Secret War in Cambodia
- Cover and Inside illustration for Newstatesman, "Tragical age"

Avril 2023
- illustration for Newstatesman, "Teen Phone addiction"
- Illustration for The Atlantic, About Kairos by Jenny Erpenbeck
- Cover for the Wall Street Journal, Xi Jinping’s Succession Problem
- Collage groupshow in Berlin. Opening 24th

March 2023
- Illustration for The Economist, UK, about Putin and Allies
- illustration for Barron's about housing market crisis & Rebound.
- Book cover for Penguin UK. More about soon.
- Book Cover for Alpha Decay, Spain.
- Illustration for Inc Magazine, about ADHD

February 2023
- Illustrations for Brand Eins.
- Illustration for New York Times. Cover for Book Review, out tomorrow the 15th!

January 2023
- Cover illustration for The Washington Post. Bookworld. The brillant and tragic life of Joseph Roth.
- Cover for "Yoga" by Emmanuel Carrere. Brazil
- New Book covers coming out soon

December 2022
- Illustration for MIT Technology Review. Spying electronic appliances. January Edition
- Group exhibition in Roma, IT. More soon.
- Illustration for Das Magazine, Zurich. Silicon Valley-Fashion Essay, by Mark van Huisseling

October/November 2022
- Illustration for Elle US
- Illustration for Foreign Policy about Narendra Modi on the way. January Edition. Stay tune.
- Ongoing exhibition project between AI and traditional painting to define new limits of creation.
- Few cover in the pipeline

September 2022
- Serie of illustration about GAN for Insider
- Illustration for The New States Man about Lady Diana and the collective memory

August 2022
- Illustration for The New York Times, Foundation Is Dead. link here.
- Serie of Illustration for Stern Magazine. A crime Story. Published.

July 2022
- off from 9th to 20th, but few exceptions

June 2022
- Collage Illustration for The New Yorker. Call me Ishmael, by Shirley Jackson. Link here
- Book Cover for Francis Fukuyama. DeA planeta Libri. Italy.
- Crime Story collage Illustration for Stern Magazine

May 2022
- Illustration for The Atlantic. About Hernan Diaz and his new book, Trust.
- Illustration & animation for Republik.ch, Switzerland, about putin show.
- Illustration for Harpers magazin on the way about the interesting Vladimir Sorokin. here
- Illustration for LA Times. crypto addiction. here

April 2022
Spring, nearly. Full already. please think of may.
- Illustration for The Atlantic. What Happened to Jon Stewart?
- Cover & Illustration for Barron's about Zuckerberg's Metaverse. Out now.
- Illustration for Texas Monthly about rick Perry and magic mushrooms. here

March 2022
- 2 Illustration for Brand Eins Germany about NFT. March Edition. here
- Illustration for The New York Times Magazine about French Rights wing and ongoing elections.
- Illustration for Harpers magazin on the way about the interesting Vladimir Sorokin. Exciting!
- Fresh Doomed Collages to be published Zoon choons.

February 2022
- Illustration for an shoking story on the way for NBC News, ProPublica, and Marshall Project about a scary youth detention center in US.
- Illustration portrait for Insider about scooter Braun manigances
- Illustration for NYTmagazine's annual music issue about Noname "deep fear with a bright optimism"
- Finally not. Bloody Putin for post Covid.

January 2022
- Illustration for Brand Eins Germany about Megalomania
- Cover Illustration and Opening page for the Newstatesman this week
- Illustration for Texas Monthly TBC
- Happy new year. Hopefully this one's better for everybody.

November/December 2021
- Illustration about Henry Kissinger for The Intercept. More about soon.
- Illustration for Elle US. On the way
- Illustration for The New States Man about earth and its dramatic situation. Published.
- Illustration for the Economist (UK) Online, about CHinese president.
- A Tax control for no reason is not a definition of Hapiness

October 2021
- 2 Illustrations for Libération. about transclass.
- Illustration for the NYT Book review. THE MAKING OF INCARNATION By Tom McCarthy.
- Cover for Stern Magazine, Germany. here
- New Collage Serie Dodecaphonist on the way. To be published late November.

September 2021
- Cover for "Dans le cerveau des comédiens" by Anouk grinberg. Odile Jacob editions. France. link here
- Illustration for Libération about music speculation and cryptocurrencies (FR)

August 2021
- Illustration for The New York Times. here
- My Instagram was deactivated without any reason this month, please check Tumblr for recent work & things.
Back on track.

July 2021
Off for Summer break, but few exceptions.

June 2021
- Illustration for The NewStatesman, Uk, about ASMR. TBA
- Collage for Die Zeit . Postponed publication
- Illustration for HP Labs/ Innovation. "how to be a futurist". Link here
- Collage Cover for The New Republic about Milton Friedman
- Cover for The Economist, Special China Edition, about Chinese Leaders & supremacy. Out the 26th
- Illustration for Liberation about love & dating after the pandemic. Published.
- Record cover for MaskxSoul, Denovali Records, Russia. To be published. LP in 2022

April / May 2021
- Cover illustration for NewStatesMan, out today! °.°
- Opening and spot illustration for Liberation about Music Majors buying music catalogs for $$$
- Illustration for The New York Times, for an essay that explores one writer's response to the film Minari and how it resonates with their own experience growing up as a Korean-American.
- 2 Illustrations for Republik.ch + A still from the animation of my animations in cover in print.
- 2 Illustrations for Liberation / France
- New book cover for Alpha Decay, Barcelona, Spain

March 2021
Off but few exceptions
- Illustration for Liberation, about the app Clubhouse. France
- Music Cover. "Death to fake noise" for the french Label Bruits de fond.

February 2021
- Illustration for Mother Jones, about David Zuckerberg & Facebook's influence on Right wings & the Capitol Riots. Spread. Feb/March Edition
- Animated Illustration for Libération (FR) about Pénélope Bagieu, freespeech & why to say it louder.
- Few other things in the pipeline. Stay tuned for project with Spygame, NY.

January 2021
- Illustration for The NewStatesMan, UK this week. Another about the dramatic situation in UK and the 100000 deaths. see it here Happy of this contribution on this dark topic :/.
- Check the animation serie I did for Republik Magazine. Check it here & there
- You can check The economist Quarterly about light & Quantum here
- Illustration for Liberation about CBD out this saturday the 15th.

Happy New Year! Can be worst than 2020 honnestly

December 2020 Full
Full already//
- Serie of 9 animation for Republik.ch about Global conspiracies. Online along January
- The liberation of light Cover & Illustration serie for The Economics Quarterly, UK. Out in January
- Project with SpyScape.com, New York. TBA

November 2020
- Illustration for Libération, France, about Advertisement in the pandemic.
- 2 Illustrations for Brand Eins, Germany. „Wie wollen wir leben“ (How do we want to live?). Article> "Heile uns, Krise"
- Group Show THE AGE OF COLLAGE 3, curated by Gestalten, Dennis Busch and The CURVE, in collaboration with Gestalten, finally happens! Opening 27th of November, Torstrasse 138, Berlin Mitte! On till the 20th of December
- Illustration for Libération, France, about Retrofuturism

September/October 2020
- Illustration for the Atlantic, "Why americans fall for grifters"
- Illustration for The New York Times about the bold new Hari Kunzru Novel: Red Pill.
- 2 Illustrations for the New Republic about Trump isolated, and his permanent anger playrole

August 2020
A break this month, but few things.
- Illustration for Time Magazine, about "the brains of extremists". To be published.
- Book completed for Gestalten! The age of collage 3. Announced for october! Pre-order soon.
- Painting

July 2020
- Illustration in Vogue Italy, about Science & scientific bases of happiness, Just out.
- 16 image selection for Le Monde diplomatique, France. Out the 20th
- Serie of Illustrations for Up/date Magazin. Wien, Austria.
- 4 years after the invite, I finally made a page on Giphy gathering 10y of gif animations. You can find them on Twitter & fb by #socialgif #ekdojo #dataism
- Making music this month.
- Please support your favorite musicians on Bandcamp, as they are all struggling in this Corona Era.

May/June 2020
- Honored to have 3 images selected winners by American Illustration 39!
- Illustration for Texas Monthly. Justin Cronin. June Edition
- Illustration for Brand Eins "Re-sortieren" /"Re-ordern". They nicely comissioned me to make a collage serie from the whole magazine. How great is that :p
- Illustration for Goop Magazine. May Edition

March/April 2020
- Coronavirus. :/ Exhibition/Austellung planned in April unfortunatly postponed. No date yet.
- Illustration for the New Republic
- Illustration for Entertainment Weekly about Stephen King and his 4 new novels. P/ may edition

February 2020
- Hi from Finland! Holiday Break
- No commission this month, sorry. Preparating next show
- Book Cover. Francis Fukuyama. The End of History and the Last Man. DeA planeta Libri. It

January 2020
- Cover for Liberation, & illustration inside.
- Cover Illustration for the guardian Weekly about Vladimir putin. UK. Published-
- New collages & paintings. To be published soon here on my website

December 2019
- Collage featured in Allure Magazine US this month.
- Now on Artsy with The Curve.
- Illustration for Wall street Journal about HiTech objects addiction. How it helps, How it polutes.

November 2019
- Cover Illustration for The New York Times Arts & Leisures about the unique Dolly Parton. This week online & print!°
- Illustration for The Atlantic, online, about Aging, cognitive & presidenty
- Cover for The Real Deal, NY, this month.
- Illustration for FuturZwei, Germany, about #Metoo and its relative consequences.

October 2019
Time lapse in Japan. Survived the typhon & Back to work
- 6 Illustrations for The Foundry & Proto Magazine. Out now. www.protomag.com
- Cover Illustration for Liberation. TBA
- Exhibition in Munich Art Fair Paperposition with TheCurve. Starts the 18th!

September 2019
- Illustration for Guardian Weekly about lie detectors. This week
- New Collages ready to send for Position2019 in Munich Art Fair, represented by The Curve
- Paint.

July/August 2019
- Illustration for New York Times about new Neal Stephenson's novel
- Illustration for Die Zeit.
- illustrations on the way about A.I & Data analysis
- Illustration for NZZ/switzerland.

May/June 2019
- SND / Society for News Design : GOLD MEDAL! Goes to @nytimes for its special section "The Plot to Subvert An Election." Honored as World’s Best Designed Newspaper this year!
- 2 Illustrations for Stylist France
- 2 Illustrations for Brand Eins. Germany. Out in the July Edition
- New collages pieces to be published soon / Paintings

April 2019
- Cover Illustration for Fortune Magazine. Double Face! Article here
- Cover for Barron's magazine. Quite unusual design after last minute's switch.

March 2019
- Exhibition in Hamburg. The age of collage 2. Opening the 1st @ FeinkunstKrueger Gallery.
- Illustration for GQ Germany. About Michael Pollan & psychedelics. Out the 7th
-7 Illustrations for TOPIC magazine Now online

February 2019
- Illustration for The New Yorker. Out this week. Online Today here
- Contribution for 10 years anniversary of Wired Italia. Link here
- 4 collages of mine in Dagens Næringsliv, Norway.
- An LP to finish for my friends Brandon Spivey & richie Anderson, AKA Agro the acid disciples
Busy. Please Think April/ may. thanks!

January 2019 Happy new year!
- Cover Illustration for an essay by Francis Fukuyama. DeA Planeta Libri. Italy
- Cover Illustration for Sterling Publishing about Artificial Intelligence. To be Published on the 1st feb.
- Setting up new pieces for the next exhibition in Hamburg in March, curated by Dennis Bush & feinkunst Krueger Galerie.

to close 2018, so happy that one of the Putin collages made it into NYT's year in illustration alongside great artists.
love this quote, so specific to NYTimes: " Can you send a sketch in a few hours?” :)
check it here

December 2018
- Illustration for DIE ZEIT
- 2 Illustrations for Stylist France. Psychology & fake dreams
- 4 Illustrations for Glamour Germany
- 2 illustrations for Datacide

November 2018
- Illustration for Texas Monthly about Ida O'keefe, sister of Georgia
- 2 Illustration for BrandEins, Germany
- paint.
October 2018
- Illustration for The Atlantic about Peter Navarro & Global Trade with China. TBA
- Illustration spread for libération. today.
- Double Cover Artwork for "What we buried", the next book from Kate Boorman, published by Macmillan & Henry Holt. New York. To be published next February 2019

September 2018
- New York Times, “The Plot to Subvert an Election”, Worlwide Cover & 5 illo inside. Article here
- 10 illustrations & cover for Figaro,F art de vivre special edition.

August 2018
- New York Times Book Review cover and additional spot about American Identity crisis.
- illustration for Texas Monthly about Roy Orbison
- Illustration for New York Times Art & leisure about women film pioneers.

July 2018
Off from 10 to 28th. Holiday break. thank you for your comprehension.

May/June 2018
- 3 illustrations for New York Times this week about climate change & Trump's Withdrawal. article here
- Illustration for Atlantic on the way, about Jeff Sessions & the end of civil rights. Article here
- Illustration for New York Times, Arts & leisure
- new collage pieces to be framed. more tba.

March/April 2018
- Happy to be part of the group show, curated by The Curve. opening 19.04. Torstrasse 138, Berlin.
- Double Artwork cover for "What we buried", the next book from Kate Boorman, published by Macmillan & Henry Holt. New York.
- 2 Illustrations for VQR about Virtuosity. Article here
- Poster artwork for the next full-length movie of my friend Dan Moss from London. More to follow.

January / February 2018
- NYE Cover for french journal Libération 1/1/2018
- 3 collage illustrations for New York Times Magazine about female anger. Check it here
- Illustration for the Washington Post & Outlook cover about trump's first year assesment. article here

November/December 2017
- the singing Canary Update
- Cover illustration & 2 collages for french newspaper Libération. 8/11
- Illustration for Mother Jones Magazine. Jan/Feb 2018 edition.
- New page on ello, a nice alternative to ugly facebook. Please visit here

September/October 2017
- New series. Dark, Incursions, grouping new & older handmade collage works
- Exploring Desires Exhibition.
- Paint.

August 2017
- Cover Illustration for the New York Times Sunday Review.
" I voted for Trump, and I sorely regret it" by Julius Krein
- 2 Illustrations for Inc. Magazine. Out now
- Illustration for Granta Magazine
- Carl Craig Versus synthesizer ensemble on tour this summer, till Fall, worldwide

July 2017
- Exhibition in Berlin at Pavlovsdog gallery in Mitte. July /August. Opening July 6th!
- Carl Craig Versus synthesizer ensemble on tour this summer, till fall, worldwide

June 2017
- Illustration for New York Times. Cover of the Book Sunday review. 18th of June
- Carl Craig Versus synthesizer ensemble on tour this summer, till fall, worldwide

April/May 2017
- 9 Video Artworks creation for Carl Craig's Versus Tour 2017, with the collaboration of ilan katin
First performance in Movement festival. Detroit May 28. Next will be Sonar Festival.
- 2 Illustrations for Inc. Magazine. August Edition.

February/March 2017
- Illustration for the New York Times. Is Trump mentally ill?
- Cover for French newspaper Libération, 18/19.02
- Cover Artwork for Carl Craig's new LP. Versus II, published by infiné Records & planet E
- Illustration for Zeit Magazine.

Jan 2017
- Illustration for Esquire US about LSD micro drops in California. Out in February 2017
- Illustration for L'Obs, France. About Marine Le Pen. Out 12/01
- Image feature in Datacide.
- Personal work update. Please check my Tumblr.

Nov/Dec 2016
- Illustration for Variety LA about Big data and artificial intelligence.
- 3 Illustrations for Stylist France
- Print work for Allure, NY. Collaboration with Anairam

September/oct 2016
- Illustration for Vanity Fair US about Darknet> here
- 3 handmade collages for Wienerin Magazin. Wien/Austria
- Illustration for SuddeutscheZeitung> Here

- Carl Craig Versus cover project. 3 LP. Infiné Records. Paris.

May/June 2016
- Cover Illustration for the Sunday Book Review, New York Times. Article here.
- Illustration for Nautilus magazine about age & wisdom. Out 12th
- Illustration project for Vanity Fair NY. Darknet. To be published in August.
- Illustration for Stylist France about Daphne Oram

April 2016
- 3 Illustrations for Wienerin Magazin, Austria, about epigenetic.
- Nouvel Obs, France, Illustration about lobbies & power.
- New Collaboration with Anairam on progress
- tumblr Updated
- Various Updates.

- Collaboration with Jun Takahashi & Undercover Check this out. here or here
- Commission work for The New Yorker on Jill Lepore article. March 28. Happy! Article here
- Second season with Vice & Espolon for a tumblr project and a paperzine. To be published soon in Vice NY
- Illustration for backchannel about woman ration in computer science. article here

February 2016
- The age of collage 2, by gestalten, Out the 9th! Check it out!
- Cover Artwork and 2 illustrations about Marlene Dietrich for Zeit Magazine. Out march 1st.

January 2016
- Very excited about the collaboration with Jun Takahashi & Undercover. Show planned the 4th March in Paris. How difficult to describe how beautiful his work is. "We make noise not clothes"
- Commissioned Book cover for Regan Arts, NYC. Details to be published soon.

November 2015
- Commissioned Illustration for The New York Times, Sunday Review, nov 15th
“The Virtue of Contradicting Ourselves”, by Adam Grant.
- Illustration for Stylist France.
- Cover for Datacide almanack.

October 2015
- Illustration for Variety Los Angeles.
- Surprise soon with Gestalten. :)
- New collages on the way

September 2015
- Commission work for Vice / Espolon Brand.
- Maste.rs Projects Gallery opening the 12th in Brooklyn. NY.

July 2015
- Illustration for the New York Times. Addicted to your phone?
- Cover for the new Venetian Snares EP on planet MU. Your FaceOut the 24th!
- Commission Illustration works for Vice New York. News soon

June 2015
- Illustrations for Stylist France
- New collages for a new book project.
- OFF for concerts. USA here i come

Mai 2015
- A special cover Artwork for planet Mu, UK. Can't wait to announce it.
- tumblr Update
- New paintings, to be published soon
- Illustration about Pessoa. "Bald beginnt der Tag (und wir werden es bedauern)

- Illustrations for Stylist France . Out the 18th of May.
- Interview for Georgie Magazine
- Cover Artwork for Monster X new LP. Out on Murder Channel. Tokyo / Japan
- The New Collector Book 2015 is out.

March 2015
- Some works will be presented the 6/8 at the NY Scope 2015 / Masters Project
- Illustration for Stylist France. Natasha Vita More & Transhumanism. The 16th
- Illustration for Art Kunst Magazine: Hero of the month / Held(in) des monat
- Interview for REVS Magazine / Helsinki >

February 2015
- Commission work for the New Republic - Feb 5 / Jose Mujica
- Commission work for the NY Times Sunday Review. print & online.
- "Changes" Collaboration with Anairam for Officiel Mexico> La Fiebre Del Arte
- Illustration for Art Kunst Magazine: Hero of the month / Held(in) des monat

Janvier 2015
- New Scientist Cover. Jan 9. How soon is now?
- Illustration for Art Kunst Magazine: - Hero of the month / Held(in) des monat

December 2014
-Commission work for the New Republic. Read the full story here
- Portfolio in the Guardian Culture Pages.
- Collage Gina sold to a private collector. Long life Gina!
- Illustration for Art Kunst Magazine: - Hero of the month / Held(in) des monat
- 9.12 Release of the Beautiful Apart. Vol.1 Publication

November 2014
- OFF / Holidays!
- Illustration for Art Kunst Magazine: - Hero of the month / Held(in) des monat
- Time to paint!

October. 2014
- Illustration for Glamour Italia. Double page.
- Illustration for Art Kunst Magazine: Hero of the month / Held(in) des monat

September. 2014
- Ruiz-Musi F/W 2015 Campaign Online
- Illustration for Glamour Italia
- Illustration for Art Kunst Magazine: - Hero of the month / Held(in) des monat
- Record Cover for Bruits de Fond records & Somatic Responses.

August. 2014
- Illustration for the New York Times. Hit the Reset Button of your Brain
- Illustration for Art Kunst Magazine: Hero of the month / Held(in) des monat
- Double Illustration for Glamour Italia
- Setting up a new Collage Serie: Duplicity

July. 2014
- Illustration for Art Kunst Magazine: Hero of the month / Held(in) des monat
- Illustration for Glamour Italia July

Juin. 2014
- Collaboration & portfolio with Apart Publication, for Apart, Vol.1 Out December 2014
- Illustration for Art Kunst Magazine: Hero of the month / Held(in) des monat

May. 2014
- Collaboration with the Brand Ruiz-Musi (Mexico / Paris) for the F/W 2014 Campaign
- Illustration for Art Kunst Magazine: Hero of the month / Held(in) des monat

April. 2014
- Illustration for Art Kunst Magazine: Hero of the month / Held(in) des monat
- Making new collage pieces

March. 2014
- Exhibition "the Age of Collage", extended in FeinKunst Krueger, Hamburg, Opening 8th, over the 28th
- Collages Nerves & Unidentified Woman were sold to a private collector.
- 2 Illustrations in Glamour Italia/ Condé Nast.

February. 2014
- Illustration for New York Times, About War and other aspects of the Johnson presidency. >article here
- Zebule Magazine N°5. Full article, written by Julien Morris D. illustrated with the Ubiquity serie. Zebule magazine

January 2014

- Exhibition "The age of collage", extended to january 14 in Gestalten Space, Berlin.
Collages Yul, Princess and an abstract one were sold. Long life to my babies!
- Berlin Poche cover. Portfolio inside

December 2013

- Illustration for Glamour Italia / Condé Nast. December Edition.
- Commission work for Mad London Agency.

November 2013
- Review in ART Kunst magazin
- "the Age of Collage" Group Exhibition Nov2013/Jan2014. opening the 14th of November in Gestalten Space, Berlin.
Commission Work for Glamour Italia / Condé Nast. Nov Edition.

September 2013
- "the Age of Collage". Book Release by Gestalten. With Yul in Cover!
